January 31, 2024

NEWS: Congressman Jamaal Bowman Kicks Off Black History Month with Equity for All Resolution

For Immediate Release

WASHINGTON, D.C. — Today, Congressman Jamaal Bowman, Ed.D. (NY-16) and Congresswoman Summer Lee (PA-12) were joined by Journey for Justice Alliance and grassroots partners to introduce the Equity for All Resolution, calling on the House of Representatives to boldly commit to making racial and economic equity a priority and uplifting the values of Journey for Justice Alliance’s Equity or Else Quality of Life Framework. The resolution’s introduction also marks the beginning of Black History Month.

“It is past time for our government and our society to center racial and economic equity in everything we do,” said Congressman Jamaal Bowman, Ed.D. (NY-16). “For too long, Black, brown, and Indigenous Americans have been marginalized and excluded from the conversations about the policies that most directly affect them. That’s why I’m standing with Journey for Justice Alliance and introducing the Equity for All Resolution. This resolution focuses on changing the belief systems that our institutions are built on and evolving the practices of our government and our society to prioritize the most impacted communities and focus on transformative legislation that uplifts their perspectives. On the eve of Black History Month, we are introducing this resolution to celebrate the vibrant history, culture, and struggle for justice experienced by Black Americans and to commit ourselves to a more just future for all people. Our democracy depends on equity, justice, and centering historically marginalized voices so everyone can thrive. This is an opportunity for Congress to prioritize these issues and stand with us in this fight.”

“Growing up in a working-class family in the Mon Valley, my lived experience shows the compounding effects that economics, race, and zip-code can have as we all pursue our happiness. For too long, our institutions have failed Black folks, brown folks, and Indigenous folks by failing to adequately address how our institutions and policies continue cycles of injustice and poverty” said Rep. Summer Lee (PA-12). “On the day before Black History Month, I’m proud to be a co-lead on the Equity for All Resolution to finally change the foundations that our institutions are built upon, meaningfully acknowledge and celebrate the contributions of Black, brown, and Indigenous folks, and take meaningful steps to ensure the practices of our government center the need for transformative justice.”

Click here to read the resolution.

Original cosponsors include: Reps. Andre Carson, Jesus “Chuy” Garcia, Hank Johnson, Summer Lee, Delia Ramirez, Shri Thanedar, Nydia Velazquez, and Bonnie Watson-Coleman

Endorsing organizations include: 412 Justice, ACOPERI, Albion's Future, Alliance for Educational Justice, Alliance for Quality Education, Alliance for Quality Education, Alliance to Reclaim Our Schools, American Federation of Teachers, Baltimore Algebra Project, Blocks Together, Brighton Park Neighborhood Council, Camden Parent and Student Union, Center For Popular Democracy, Check The Weather LLC, City of Chicago , Clinton Hill Community Action, Communities One Project St. Louis Missouri, Daughters Across the Diaspora, Domain Realty, Gateway Alliance Project, Girls Empowerment Conference, Grassroots Arkansas, Green Party of St. Louis, IMAN, Indiana Environmental Clean Energy, J40, Inc, Journey for Justice Alliance, Journey for Justice Alliance South Region, Kansas Justice Advocate, Keep The Vote/No Takeover, National Education Association, Network for Public Education Action, Next Leadership Development, Northside Action for Justice, Parents Supporting Parents NY, Paterson Education Fund, People for Community Recovery, PSPNY, San Francisco Education Alliance, Stand For Schools, Step Up Louisiana, The Midwest Building Decarbonization Coalition, The New Justice Project MN, The Palm Collective 

"It is time for elected officials to confront racial inequity. We have kicked the can down the road for long enough. Racial inequities poison quality of life in Black, Brown and Indigenous communities, eroding and eventually destroying the institutions that most of white America take for granted.” Jitu Brown, National Director of Journey for Justice Alliance

“The best way to reduce inequity within and across our communities is investment: investments in real resources into the supports and services that help people access better lives, from counselors and nurses in schools, to robust literacy programs and experiential, hands-on learning, and increased support for educators working to bridge the gap that puts too many students of color and rural students at a disadvantage when it comes to accessing opportunities for a better life. Money matters, and bringing the Equity or Else agenda to Congress moves us closer to making sure every student in every district has a better shot at a quality public education that sets them up for success.” –Randi Weingarten, President of American Federation of Teachers

"Driven by the push for self-determination and a leveled playing field for working families and their push to achieve the American Dream, we are encouraged and undeterred in our fight forward for Equity for all Americans," said Moira Kaleida, national coalition director for the Alliance to Reclaim Our Schools. "As we work collectively to ensure that every student and their family has access to high-quality neighborhoods and public schools, we boldly stand in solidarity with Rep. Bowman and the Journey 4 Justice Alliance in the commitment to achieve racial and economic equity for all Americans, and not just a chosen few." –Alliance to Reclaim Our Schools
